Monday, September 12, 2011

Celebrating 24 years of life

So I just celebrated my 24th birthday over here in South Korea. With all that I had been going through in the last past week, I was not looking forward to this day at all. But God seems to no matter where I go bless me with people in my life who genuinely care about me and my well being. He blesses me with people who can make me smile and forget the things I may be going through..and for that I am appreciative. That cake definitely made me smile in more ways than one!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


So I have been slacking on my pimping lately with this blog. Been so busy with work and all these extra duties as well as school work I haven't had much time to devote to my blog. But I plan to post some updates SOON!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

NYE coming from S. KOREA

Just wanted to say happy new years to everyone! I spent my first new years eve EVER out of the country in South Korea and I have to say I did have a blast. Didn't need to get slopping drunk to enjoy myself either (much to my surprise).

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


SOOOOOOOO I finally did the unthinkable and got my very first tattoo! It was quite an uncomfortable pain but I was proud of myself that I took it like a woman and didn't punk out. The tattoo quotes one of my favorite bible scriptures which is 2 Corinthians 5:7 "Walk by faith, not by sight."  This bible scripture means a lot to me because I feel it represents my entire life... not letting what a current, unfortunate situation dictate my future. Going through certain situations in life has strengthened my faith to the point where when I am faced with what may seem like a negative situation to the average person, I remain calm and thank God for bringing me out of it.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Living life to the fullest

I was having a conversation with my friend here in Korea.  He made a comment about how people tell you what you not supposed to do or what you “can’t” do but in actuality no one really can stop you from doing what you not supposed to do. You just have to be ready to face the consequences that may come along with it.  So it got me to thinking about myself and how I always played everything by the book. Never really lived life on the edge per say.  Model A citizen.

I have always played it safe with everything, trying to maintain that wholesome image that I thought the world taught us to have. That must change. I’m no longer going to live my life the way that I was taught I’m “supposed” to live it by. I’m going to enjoy life! I’m going to do the things I always wanted to do..say the things I always wanted to say. Get a little bit edgy. But don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to turn into some wild child or anything. I’m just going to be the me that I was designed to be. A little less careful and a bit more risqué! Maybe even get “thug life” tatted on my stomach! Haha… or maybe not.  What I’m getting at is we only get one life and we have to live it to the fullest. I don’t want to be in my 40s wishing I would have done this or done that all because it wasn’t socially acceptable or frowned upon! Screw that! I’m going to do what makes me happy regardless of what anyone…family or friends…have to say about it!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

No more bed potato

I had an interesting night last night. One of my guy friends invited me out to a club/bar called Rhino. At first I was a bit hesitant, but I decided what the hey! Let me get out for a couple drinks since I'm always couped up in my room, bored as heck. So we went out and I tried a couple new drinks like a blue Hawaiian and a black Russian which was utterly disgusting, so I gave it to my friend. I wanted to try soju but my friend told me it was made with formaldehyde, the same thing that it is put into dead bodies to preserve them. So I passed :(

As the night went on, I found myself laughing and having a good time. When some people get alcohol in their system, they are pure entertainment. LOL!  This female kept saying to me "You are one sexy bitch!" lolol and proceeded to turn it into a song. I was so weak! But overall, I have to say I enjoyed myself. Nice, clean, chill atmosphere with good music and chill people.

heading know I gotta snap a couple pics of just wouldn't be right if I didn't lol

Friday, October 22, 2010


...station in Korea for another 11 months so I thought I would share some pics of Korea and the DMZ
 South Korean guards ready for whatever if North Korea tries to get crazy!
 guarding the conference room where all the action goes down!
a view of North Korea...yes we were that close

More to come...